Alleviating Excessive Anxiety

Anxiety & excess unrealistic worries that become repetitive, just too big and unmanageable, can feel out of control and result in overwhelming stress for children, adolescents & adults. In children especially, usually less aware, anxiety can often be observed as physical complaints, stomach aches, headaches, skin rashes, stress tics, along with fears of being away from parents, extra trips to the school nurse or even school refusal. Childhood Anxiety can be debilitating and if unaddressed can greatly impact adolescence & adulthood, often leading to Depression, especially when one thinks there is nothing they can do about their anxiety (a sense of learned helplessness).

The good news is: Anxiety is definitely treatable. We have a much better understanding in the 21st century of how anxiety works & helpful coping tools that most of us did not have as children. In fact, if you were anxious as a child, and it followed you into adulthood, it may be difficult for you to help your child without some guidance. You and your child can learn tools together. If you were lucky enough not to have experienced intense anxiety, I can help you understand what your child may be feeling, so you can be your child's worry coach.

Helping to alleviate Anxiety is one of my areas of strength in my psychology practice and one where I've seen much (relatively quick) success in my clients. Children in particular are often amazing sponges for helpful information. Time and again I have noticed that from the first session, once I explain how anxiety works, including its tricks, and teach tools children can easily use to stand up to and reduce Anxiety, they feel better. Because I am coping skills based and results-oriented, I find that children especially experience relatively quick relief from the out-of-control feeling of anxiety, and hopefulness that they can gain control over their worries. I have seen results, even surprising myself, in as little as 1-5 sessions, depending on severity and a child's ability, willingness, to apply and practice the tools provided.

Coping tools & other research-based practices I teach to reduce and manage Anxiety, include Mindfulness present moment practice, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (Thinking skills), Relaxation, mind-body awareness (Calming skills), personalized for your or your particular child's needs. I have a lot of tricks up my therapeutic sleeve for dealing with the false alarms of anxiety and excess worries. Often children (and adults alike) just need help seeing that there are alternative ways of thinking and dealing with Anxiety that make them feel better, because they feel empowered. Children (and adults) can learn that they are actually in control of their worries; they just don't know it yet ; ). If I can be your guide in this process, I am happy to help : ).

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